This site was made with the purpose of sharing the knowledge that I have attained during my life in the computer programming field.
Since the early beginnings of computer programming, hobbyists began to invest their time in this occupation, later, people decided to make computer programming their way of living ( Hackness ), and that's exactly what I did.
In contrast with other professions, this one requires a complete dedication, therefore people dedicate their life to it, but there is a very simple reason for that, IT IS FUN!.
It's amazing to do for living what you use to do for fun, and it also very rewarding to contribute to the society with our fun occupations.
I really consider that witholding the knowledge or charging for it, like most companies do, is ridiculous, because the most important thing that makes the difference between animals and humans, is the ability we have to live in communities , create civilizations, and to share. That's why I agree with both, Open Source and Free Software movement, although they have notorious differences between them.
Thanks for visiting my site , I really hope this material could be helpful to you.
Raydelto was born in Santo Domingo, the capital of Dominican Republic, as the the son of the lawyer Edgar Hernández and the psychologist Luisa Perera. His first language is spanish. Lived 8 years in San Pedro de Macorís, a small town of the country...
VIEW MORE →This is my favorite place, here you will be able to find a variety of tutorials about creating an Address Book using ASP .NET MVC,Working with arrays single dimension arrays with C++, Creating a Tic Tac Toe game on C++, Setting up a Java enviroment...
VIEW MORE →Here I have a couples of videos regarding some experiments I've been involved with, like controlling the power from a PC, Controlling the power from a cell phone, Silverbaloon 3D Engines, crossplatform peer to peer chat tool written in Java...
VIEW MORE →This are compilations of articles, interviews and speeches that I've participated in since 2004. Some of the subjects includes, Beginnings and Evolution of Computing in Dominican Republic, The process of creating software, JClassroom the free Java Online classroom...
VIEW MORE →Here I write my ideas so you can post comments about it. By now all my posts are written in spanish. English translations will be coming soon...
VIEW MORE →If you have comments, questions, projects or any ideas you want to share, feel free to contact me.